In the statement, Ms. Lynch said: "The allegations that a police officer violated the civil rights of female drivers in such a demeaning manner are most serious.
There are plenty of low end catering and cleaning jobs where you will be treated in a more demeaning manner, not least in your pay packet.
He is extremely firm, and usually so in a demeaning manner.
The teacher snatches the poem from him and reads it in a very sarcastic, demeaning manner, practically encouraging Pink's classmates to laugh.
This stigma made cholera a vulgar and socially demeaning manner of demise.
One of the more significant reasons Douglass published his Narrative was to offset the demeaning manner in which white people viewed him.
She also kids Yoshinori about his crossdressing, though not in a demeaning manner.
"I was fired in a demeaning manner," said Kruszewski, who has sued DPW over his firing.
However, the fact that "creationist lunatics" are pointed out in a such a flippant and demeaning manner, is definitely what raises the question mark.