People are living longer these days therefore we have a increasing numbers of dementia sufferers.
A major issue is how to balance the rights and needs of the dementia sufferer with the effect which they may have on other tenants.
The type of building can determine and/or limit the service being offered to dementia sufferers.
Each source contributed to the attempt to understand what dementia sufferers needed in order to help them stay at home.
Information about the type and frequency of social or medical services received by the dementia sufferer was to be sought.
The result of this situation was that a key worker system for dementia sufferers did not operate.
All but two of these l6 said they would prefer the dementia sufferer to be in institutional care.
This chapter will consider how much it costs to support dementia sufferers at home.
Table 6.1 makes no distinction between different types of dementia sufferer.
This chapter has shown the cost of the major community services for dementia sufferers in different circumstances.