At least 14 other democracy campaigners have been reported kidnapped in the past few months.
Little Optimism In recent weeks, students and democracy campaigners mounted small demonstrations.
Those other democracy campaigners are for delinking trade and human rights.
Similarly, the information contained information on links with democracy campaigners in other parts of the world, including Syria.
Such a conspiracy gives them a better excuse to crack down on the democracy campaigners.
But the long prison sentences of 11 to 13 years imposed on three democracy campaigners in December took officials here by surprise.
Then there are people like Zhu Jianbin, a 34-year-old steel worker and democracy campaigner.
After protesting the detention of other democracy campaigners, he was detained in April 1981 and sentenced to 14 years in prison.
He is also widely identified with responsibility for the June 1989 crackdown on democracy campaigners, in which hundreds of people were killed.
She told him that his younger brother, a democracy campaigner, had been arrested by the dictatorship.