Zhao Ziyang's life in politics ended nearly 16 years ago, when he was purged after opposing the use of force against democracy protesters in Beijing.
The urgent invitation came hours after soldiers had opened fire on democracy protesters in the streets of Bangkok, killing dozens of civilian protesters.
Jiang, the most senior Peking official to visit Japan since China's 1989 crackdown on democracy protesters, is eager to secure loans and technological aid from Japan.
Since the crackdown in Beijing in June 1989, Hong Kong democracy protesters - students, scholars and professionals - have become much more active in the territory.
The former top leader became an unusual icon of dissent when he publicly argued against the use of force to crush democracy protesters in Beijing in May 1989.
Mr. Zhao helped initiate China's economic reforms in the 1980's, but was purged for opposing the violent crackdown on democracy protesters in 1989.
The Games would be an important opportunity to win back international respect after the 1989 crackdown on democracy protesters, and a chance to unite the Chinese people behind a patriotic cause.
I just meant that when Arabs rebel against their leaders, we only call them "democracy protesters" if we want the leader gone.
But he and other booksellers report that sales of guidebooks about China have plummeted since Beijing cracked down on democracy protesters last year.
But Mr. Zhu is no patsy: He showed no compunction about death sentences for democracy protesters who used violence.