Her current work is centered on what virtues are necessary for democratic deliberation, biobanking, and how preparedness and response in public health is symbolically framed.
The Center's goal is to provide high quality information in support of democratic deliberation about education policy.
Walker's ruling, like Obama's assertion, represents a results-oriented effort to expel religious arguments from democratic deliberation.
(Indeed, there's no better check on the bad advice contained in public-improvement harangues than the habit of democratic deliberation.)
The "strongest, political rationale" for democratic schools is that they teach "the virtues of democratic deliberation for the sake of future citizenship."
Participatory budgeting is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making, in which ordinary city residents decide how to allocate part of a municipal or public budget.
We want a reform which will enable coherence and more democratic deliberation to be ensured.
He also explores the role of democratic deliberation when controversial issues of ethics are addressed and the formation of public policy surrounding emerging genetic technologies.
Regulating reproductive technologies: Can we trust "democratic deliberation"?
Citizens, according to this view, should be given rights needed to participate in democratic deliberations based on a "common conception of the good life".