Consequently, they saw no need for elected governments so they established the people's democratic dictatorship.
"We must use the powerful weapon of the people's democratic dictatorship to crack down on a few lawbreakers."
To curb the risk of instability, Mr. Li called for upholding "the people's democratic dictatorship" and for increasing the military budget.
The first of these 12 principles begins "uphold the people's democratic dictatorship."
Moreover, most have not elevated repression to an ideology by boasting about "the people's democratic dictatorship" or by trying to debate the West on human rights issues.
Their purpose is to overthrown the people's government elected by the National People's Congress and totally negate the peoples' democratic dictatorship.
'We must uphold the people's democratic dictatorship.'
This opened up the prospect of democracy being installed not by a bourgeois government but by 'a revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry'.
Fabrice Robert, a Radical Unity leader, said the ruling proved that France was a democratic dictatorship.
The new draft dropped a reference to the state as "a revolutionary democratic dictatorship of workers and peasants."