George Will, a political commentator, baseball connoisseur and Chicago Cubs fan, is for it, eloquently, as a reinforcement of small-d democratic sensibilities.
While the drawings brought relief to the winners, they offended the democratic sensibilities of voters like Danielle Diaz of Irvington.
Their "refusal to resolve the tension through any single climax" represents nothing less than a "democratic sensibility" and a "revolutionary mode of being."
To a democratic, humanistic sensibility like Agee's, however, those qualities are precisely what gave silent-screen comedy its universal appeal.
But Lucky succeeds because it applies an aggressively democratic sensibility to the world of fashion.
Secret intelligence gathering, however uncongenial to democratic sensibilities, is essential, the author says, for objectively acquiring the information needed to protect American security and global peace.
But events in the region had offended the West's democratic sensibilities and aroused fears of greater Soviet ambitions.
Hungary served once again to offend Western democratic sensibilities and began a more difficult phase of the Cold War.
Alger would have insulted the democratic sensibilities of his readers if he had concluded his books with his heroes sitting around in grand palaces, employing servants.
But that doesn't excuse the way some directors have responded to these pressures: with a style of populism that is very different from a genuine democratic sensibility.