Because of the unsettled security situation immediately after independence and democratic sentiments, the government kept in force a "state of emergency".
He was a supporter of the democratic sentiments that led to the July Revolution and was elected to the new national assembly in 1831.
He became the symbol for a groundswell of youthful democratic sentiment, despite his personal background and his political views.
And the more "modern" the book is the more certain it is to be devoid of democratic sentiment.
However, once the conservatives understood Maximilian's democratic sentiments and anticlerical attitudes, began withdrawing their support.
The enormous crowd, estimated at 200,000 to 530,000 protesters, was evidence that the Chinese government's efforts to dampen democratic sentiment here have not succeeded.
It was a statement of democratic sentiment that conveyed the opposite.
The rally was the second powerful display of democratic sentiment in Hong Kong in two weeks.
Nothing dramatized this democratic sentiment more than the election of Andrew Jackson.