Over 50% of Ten's key 18-49 age demographic had tuned into the show.
The opening night had 859,000 total viewers, including 298,000 in the ages 25-54 demographic.
Admissions officers tend to be in the 30-to-40 age demographic.
The point of cable was supposed to be niche programming, but every station goes for the same 14-49 age demographic.
The company's target market is mainly towards Canadians within the age demographic of 18 to 30.
The channel aims at the age demographic of 24-40 year olds.
However, the show was aimed at a narrow age demographic, and he became too old for the role.
Do you think there is no one in the working age demographic that doesn't have a job because they don't want a job?
All programing was mostly aimed at the age 16-34 demographic.
Over 50 per cent of Ten's key 18-49 age demographic had tuned into the show.