Here there is a demographic bulge amongst the very young.
First, a demographic bulge is working through the nation's population - the children of the baby boomers are graduating from high school in record numbers.
A new demographic bulge, the baby boomers' children, has just entered grade school.
These students create a massive demographic bulge that will demand special accommodation with each passing year.
Schools have been promised increased funding every year, for the next four years, just as a demographic bulge puts pressure on primary classrooms.
Baby boom is a demographic bulge in the human population.
But after this demographic bulge reaches middle age and retirement, the population is expected to contract.
This group of 70 million potential customers, currently aged 8 to 25, represents the largest demographic bulge since the baby boomers.
Laila's high school is a sprawling building, still under construction in a desperate race with the demographic bulge.
This, in essence, reflects the demographic bulge of the postwar baby boomers as they pass through time.