Patterns of political corruption can be found in places that have a similar demographic make-up.
The famine, which caused a century-long population decline, drastically reduced the Irish population and permanently altered the demographic make-up of the British Isles.
The ideological and demographic make-up of the electorate is very different in the general election than in the primary.
American culture (as opposed to demographic make-up) consists of our common values, our expectations, our daily conventions, our laws, our religiosity.
The demographic make-up is primarily ethnic Russian with a large ethnic Korean minority.
The demographic make-up of the population is much in line with the rest of Scotland.
The demographic make-up is changing, with a growing and ageing population.
This situation continued as the demographic make-up of the Roseland neighborhood began to change in the second half of the twentieth century.
The demographic make-up of Fulton County has changed considerably in recent decades.
After Castro's rise to power in 1959, a wave of refugees entered South Florida and dramatically changed the demographic make-up of the area.