The demon, wearing his form of a tall, beautiful human male, was the first to recover from surprise at the interruption.
Instantly a two-foot-tall demon wearing granny glasses and a green eyeshade popped into existence next to him.
A demon wearing a loud, checkered coat appeared before us, a large sack in one hand, a lit cigar in the other.
A foot-tall demon wearing work clothes and a tool belt popped up in the cable run.
But then they were more interested in the elevated status marriage to him had brought them than in concerning themselves over trifles...such as the fact that they were wed to a demon wearing human skin.
Eventually they reached the first group, and a demon wearing a harness with a gold medallion in the center asked what had happened.
Are you demons wearing the skins of men?
At the next desk to my right was a demon wearing glasses; apparently some demons did need them for reading.
The demon princes stood there, solid and free, in front of the altar, along with a male and female demon wearing the green cloaks.
His appearance is a demon wearing a skull-mask.