What seems at first a strangulated, almost antihuman sound soon takes on a demonic aspect, as if challenging us to believe what we are hearing.
However, when Kenny is confronted, he transforms into his demonic aspect and escapes into the nearby forest.
According to Isaac Luria (1534-72) and other commentators on the Zohar, righteous Gentiles do not have this demonic aspect and are in many ways similar to Jewish souls.
His true form however looks like a marionette with a more demonic and repulsive aspect than charming.
Shortly afterward, McCaig hands over the controls to the blind man, who, in a self-destructive rapture, inspired (perhaps) by the demonic aspect of his son, nearly crashes the plane.
The form of a Devil Angel differs with the person, with each having both an angelic aspect and a demonic aspect, depending on how they gain the power to transform.
Besides, Rob didn't entirely believe in Debra's demonic aspect.
"Silence'" hissed Sham His demonic aspect came upon him, the guise of a three-meter albino scorpion with glowing internal organs.
White Magician - A powerful human warlock able to summon a demonic aspect after selling his soul to one of Hell's minions.
She is also able to alter her facial features to a "demonic" aspect when attacking enemies or else responding to aggressive, commanding behavior from her superiors.