A demonic look clenched his face as he stared into the hot, red, boiling soil.
The flames reflected off his bare scalp and even in daylight gave him a demonic look.
The videotape was then edited to give it a demonic look.
Around his head, and his sagging lip, the fur had burnt away, giving him a demonic look.
His lowered head and narrowed eyes peering from beneath bangs of sky blue gave him a demonic look.
They were heavily armed, and in the dim moonlight they had a demonic look.
Before long, though, as he became caught up in the music's ecstatic intensity, that wild-haired, demonic look returned.
He has a more demonic look with his rib cage popping out of his chest.
She shot me a demonic look, emphasized by a smile of outrageous malice.
In an episode of Chowder,the dancing baby appears but with a more demonic look.