Riverside Park is a human artifact rather than a purely "natural" phenomenon or a wilderness, skillfully improved for the demonstrable benefit of neighbors and visitors.
The Bush Administration fears that meeting it would hurt the nation's economy in the short term for no demonstrable long-term climatic benefit.
But it does promise to bring some small, demonstrable benefit to Southampton Village, without cruelty or posturing.
Moreover, he said, there were no "demonstrable benefits" from the use of captan because less dangerous alternatives were available.
The charged ions the generators emit do, however, have a demonstrable benefit; they act like magnets on pollution particles.
Some social scientists say that there are demonstrable physical and psychological benefits to forgiveness, along with the spiritual ones extolled in religious traditions.
Use of topical fluoride has demonstrable benefit in minimizing caries formation.
What good actors do is well nigh miraculous and of demonstrable social benefit, when they are acting, but their public pronouncements are always worthless.
On the other hand, the process does not result in any demonstrable benefits for consumers.
"They've yet to prove a large market for the type of applications where their superior architecture delivers demonstrable benefits," he said.