"You have just made a statement that is demonstrably not true," Randy said, pleasantly enough.
To many who live here, that Bombay is getting worse, while demonstrably true, is beside the point.
This is demonstrably not true for the standard measure of information.
The second part being demonstrably true, Miles concentrated on the first part.
Said adviser said all sorts of things that are demonstrably not true.
Every statement made so far by this officer is demonstrably true.
He did not know the answer to that, but it was demonstrably true.
The real question is: How has the right managed to convince Americans of so much that is demonstrably not true?
This is all demonstrably true, but it is also wishy-washy and self-aggrandizing.
A host of natural phenomena are demonstrably true, but not observable by the unaided sense.