Therefore, this Statement requires that information on these resources be reported to highlight their long-term-benefit nature and to demonstrate accountability over them.
The test will seek to determine whether the system is "a useful and valid way of demonstrating accountability," said Bill Goss, the health-care programs manager at the General Electric Company.
And he said the resignations demonstrated "real accountability" in the school system under mayoral control.
Some non-profit organizations demonstrate greater accountability by showing donors the direct impact of their fundraising efforts.
Whilst engaging in consultation and lobbying, they must demonstrate responsiveness and accountability to the community.
In addition, many libraries publish on their web sites the improvements that were implemented following their surveys as a way of demonstrating accountability to survey participants.
Our role is a significant part of the mechanism for demonstrating accountability, alongside other aspects such as the role of the Readers Editors.
Grant Management: tracks grants, demonstrates accountability and compliance and also assists with future funding applications.
He said the police need to demonstrate accountability and transparency to the communities they served where stop and search practices were concerned.
Whenever the marketing team needs to demonstrate accountability of spends, or measurability of returns.