The Peabody award cited the program for "demonstrating high dedication to aiding black youth to find jobs, to stay in school and to obtain higher education."
Although I didn't know Chief Shonsui very well, her conduct under adverse circumstances demonstrated her training and dedication.
He stood, his arms folded on his chest, barely moving as she demonstrated her skill and dedication.
Their lengthy tenure at the school demonstrates dedication to the students, the profession, and the development of self-esteem and confidence within each child.
The nominated students have demonstrated dedication in the classroom, leadership qualities and patriotism for the United States.
Volunteer work often demonstrates to prospective employers your personal initiative, enthusiasm, and dedication.
Clean programs demonstrate skill and dedication and intensity.
These faculty members choose which students have demonstrated the most commitment and dedication (just a few of the criteria) for the positions on the Student Council.
The Hall of Fame annually honors five teachers who have demonstrated commitment and dedication to teaching children.
The traders are followed throughout a typical day in order to demonstrate the challenges and dedication of each trader.