The children lacked nonverbal communication skills, failed to demonstrate empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy.
A good leader understands that the first step toward healing is demonstrated empathy.
In our brief afternoon together she had demonstrated empathy, compassion, humor, and assertiveness.
In the radio interview, Harnisch also said that early in the season, at the time he began suffering from depression, Valentine demonstrated little empathy.
Dr. Anderson said there is evidence that chimps demonstrate empathy, too.
The important thing is to demonstrate empathy, not just to feel it.
When students engage with their community, demonstrate empathy and feel good about themselves, they also do well academically!
Rodents have been shown to demonstrate empathy for cagemates (but not strangers) in pain.
In most cases, instruments have unfortunately only yielded information on whether someone had the potential to demonstrate empathy (Geher et al., 2001)*.
It occurred to me that Bill Clinton might not have used this last expression as a means of demonstrating empathy.