AOSSM members are physicians and allied health professionals who demonstrate scientific leadership, involvement, and dedication in the daily practice of sports medicine.
In addition, bilinguals that began speaking a second language early in life demonstrated bilateral hemispheric involvement.
Maintaining the parts and knowing the gun's special characteristics were ways of demonstrating involvement in his own well-being.
The Hmong have demonstrated involvement in the local politics which overthrew the stereotypes of Asian Americans being very acquiescent and passive.
The detailed budget is clearly defined, demonstrates involvement of key partners and identifies unit costs.
The workplan is clearly defined, demonstrates involvement of key partners and identifies unit costs of each task shown.
It then works creatively with delivery agencies and others, offering models, tools and approaches to support them in challenging traditional approaches, so as to demonstrate equitable involvement.
The Community Catalyst page shares stories of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional involvement by signing up to be a Catalyst and get stuff fixed in their local communities.
Applicants must demonstrate superior academic ability as well as exceptional extracurricular involvement, both of which are key aspects that the school considers when choosing its class.
The latter award, first awarded in 1997, is given to a member of the local arts community for demonstrating inspiration, involvement, commitment and passion for the arts.