Numerous international studies have demonstrated favorable long-term outcomes for around half of those diagnosed with schizophrenia, with substantial variation between individuals and regions.
CDC funded a study using a quasi-experimental design that demonstrated improved outcomes as a result of empowerment evaluation.
This was a measurement of the quantum observable now known as spin, which demonstrated possible outcomes of a measurement where the observable has point spectrum.
Isn't it about time some financing is directed at those professions that have demonstrated cost-effectiveness, excellent outcomes and high patient satisfaction?
This award recognised hospital teams that demonstrate improved outcomes of medical & surgical conditions.
Studies in these centers should demonstrate the benefits of screening: increased referrals, more patients receiving counseling, and better outcomes such as reduction of risk behaviors.
On the contrary, those who were more risk-tolerant engaged in negotiations more frequently and demonstrated superior outcomes.
Initial small studies demonstrated improved outcomes with vasopressin in comparison to epinephrine.
For this reason practitioners rely heavily on the use of cutting targets of various materials to demonstrate successful outcomes concerning any particular technique.