Senator Conrad's "Yes, We Can" award is presented to individuals and institutions in North Dakota that demonstrate hard work, perseverance and commitment to their community.
An individual is considered industrious if he or she demonstrates perseverance and determination in performing a task.
In his memory, the NHL created the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy which it has awarded since 1968 to a player who demonstrates perseverance and dedication to hockey.
These applicants demonstrate excellence, perseverance, and the highest moral character.
Bo Jackson has received by far the most attention for his dramatic return, but these pitchers have demonstrated remarkable perseverance in resuming their careers.
The exploration of Dent de Crolles demonstrated outstanding commitment and perseverance in the face of physical, technological and political adversity.
He depicted scenes of labor, family, and land, in order to demonstrate peace, struggle, and perseverance that he had come to believe was the essence of American life.
Players in the growth phase are the ones who have strategy targeted at achieving the ulterior goal and demonstrate perseverance and drive to achieve the same.
It was finally issued by the Spanish Presidency, which has demonstrated exceptional tact and perseverance.
"He demonstrated loyalty and perseverance and tenacity and was a good role model," Mr. Miller said.