Next morning Father Brown appeared with the same demure expression, carrying yet another piece of pink newspaper.
"Well, the women are mostly outside the walls this year," the doctor said, with a demure expression.
Lorenza put on her most demure expression and made her way to the office whose location she had long ago memorized but had never visited.
Leyladin turned to him with the same demure expression.
The Cricket went through several variants of which the most common was an image of the cricket pointing rightward with a rather demure expression.
Carolan looked at Kitty, and saw the demure expression, the downcast eyes.
The smile he tossed me brought a silly, reflexive smirk to my lips, which I quickly tried to convert into a demure expression.
He flipped the pages until he found the right girl, one with a particularly demure expression, then he spread the pullout on the ground at his feet.
She was smiling at me slyly and it was as though another girl peeped out from behind that demure expression.
All of the women wore soft fabric boots, crudely fashioned jewelry, and demure expressions.