They were standing in still backcountry water, the sun perched on the edge of the horizon like a demure girl.
A quiet, demure and extremely wealthy girl who hero-worships Yuzu.
Yuzuru is a demure and friendly girl who has long been friends with Sachi.
And if Kanwar's intention is to project her as a demure 70s girl, her body language and gestures are plain amusing.
How a demure girl became a popular First Lady.
Anna is in many ways the opposite of Karin - she is a demure girl who speaks in a very polite fashion even to her friends.
When outside her family home, Misa projects the image of a sweet, demure girl and has gained quite a following.
He often smiled at the pretty, demure little girl who sat at the back of the room.
She was a popular girl in her high school class of nearly one hundred, friendly but not outgoing, attractive but demure.
Kimiko suffers from poor self-esteem and from the expectations of her mother, who wants her to be a good Japanese girl, feminine and demure.