This time, though, France is insisting it won't be denied a full voice among the major powers, despite its differences with the United States.
While age falsification has been denied among many gymnastics officials, in recent years some have publicly admitted that the practice has occurred.
The N.F.L. has long denied the existence of reliable data about cognitive decline among its players.
Indeed, since the trial began in early September, Judge Ito has denied, among other things, a defense effort to gain a share of crime-scene blood samples for independent testing.
They are denied this today not by Israel nor by America, but by the minority of terrorists among them who want totalitarian control of all Palestinians as well as Jews.
Riddick Bowe, in his view, has been denied his rightful place among boxing's elite, at least by the major sanctioning bodies, who don't even deem him worthy of being their No. 1 contender.
A number of titles were being denied entry by road at Johor Baru, among them Burgess's Malayan Trilogy.
And I am denied this here among you-" She put her face in her hands and began to cry again, heartbrokenly.
But the Norwegian authorities have denied, among others, Northwest Airlines the right to start flying intercontinental flights from the United States.
Because my client is being denied a constitutional right-a fair trial among her peers.