Ballet Rejoice believes worship should be in spirit and truth, and therefore crosses over denominational boundaries.
But now it is transcending denominational and political boundaries.
According to publisher GIA, Powell is "a composer whose output bridges denominational boundaries and who is able to serve the larger Church.
Aglow began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries.
But even his critics on these issues acknowledged his devotion to his church and his city, a respect that transcended denominational boundaries.
Jewish-renewalists see "renewal" as a process reaching beyond denominational boundaries and institutional structures, more similar to the multi-centered civil rights or women's movements than to contemporary denominations.
There is no denominational boundary or an age limit, everybody is welcome and can introduce his own ideas and desires and get involved.
They are averse to ecumenism and other attempts to create church organizations that cross denominational boundaries such as the World Council of Churches.
In his ministry in Lewis, he sought to transcend denominational boundaries, but this was at times difficult.
Good cooks, of course, can be found across denominational (and regional) boundaries.