They left after about an hour, without seeing Koffigoh, who denounced their actions in a broadcast later in the day.
The union has run ads denouncing the bus company's actions.
To run a proper dictatorship, you cannot afford to have newspapers denouncing your actions.
In response, Cogen personally called to apologize to the girl's mother and publicly denounced the county health inspector's actions.
As he has done before, he again denounced the Croatian military's actions of the last week.
Jordan has also denounced Hezbollah's actions believing them to be harmful to Arab interests in the region.
Some environmental organizations regularly denounce the president's actions as representing the biggest setback in a generation.
Thayer publicly denounced Carter's actions and called on him to reimburse donors of the failed project.
He also publicly denounced the Paedia and its actions.
Carson expressed outrage at the massacre and openly denounced Chivington's actions.