Beta particles penetrate light materials, but not too far into denser materials like water.
That is, prior to the breakup, the parent body was partly segregated with denser materials moving toward the core.
If a large percentage could be converted into much denser material - who knows, even neutron matter?
After the air blast came the snow cloud of a much denser material.
These are regional areas where it is believed that denser material is under the surface.
The conductivity is higher for a denser material, 37 S/m at 50 mg/cm.
Since the average density of surface material is only around 3,000 kg/m, we must conclude that denser materials exist within Earth's core.
The optically denser material (water in this case) is the "internal" medium.
This is because sound travels faster through denser material than air.
This denser material gives extra resonance, and a more projected and focused sound.