Upward mobility is typically also outward mobility, away from denser neighborhoods to less dense neighborhoods, into areas of home ownership.
The area is the densest neighborhood in Los Angeles, and many older multi-unit buildings lack off-street parking.
Evergreen is projected to have a density of 8.6 units per acre, becoming one of the densest neighborhoods in Saskatoon when complete.
Older and denser neighborhoods around the downtown tend to be utility cycling oriented.
But the greatest opposition comes from the denser neighborhoods where large houses on small lots seem to lean over modest houses next door.
The densest neighborhood was Koreatown, and the least dense was Elysian Park.
This is not surprising given Line 8 is planned to pass by some of Shanghai's densest neighborhoods and several major attractions.
The compound sits on 1.2 acres in Tarrytown, one of Austin's most desirable and densest neighborhoods.
Because of this, Lincoln Village is the densest neighborhood in the State of Wisconsin and the streets have a strong European feel.
And construction on it will wind through some of the city's densest - and most prickly - neighborhoods.