Her tension relaxed a little when they passed from the loose rock, back into denser woods where the ground was mossy and silent to step on.
Another customer, he recalled, placed a large order for white birch, a handsome wood that lacks the staying power of denser woods like oak.
"I've seen you glide like a jungle cat through the very densest woods without making a single sound," his lady scolded good-naturedly.
The use of denser wood led to much finer work, including more elaborate joinery.
One of the densest woods is black ironwood.
Festival - R13 bore with denser wood.
After killing the races, Richard had led the rest of his small company into denser woods.
"We use the hardest, densest wood, so it can be cut thinner to produce more vibrations," she explained.
They tromped through some denser woods, through deeper snow.
As they went down toward the river and denser woods on either side, Varzil began to grow uneasy.