Beneath them Alaire sensed a dense knot of power, along with intense heat, hot enough to melt rock.
One hill he chose, because bushes clambered up its slope and it was crowned with a dense knot of low trees.
The gene chains were wrapped around long spires or spicules that emerged radially from a dense central knot.
His field functions reported a dense knot of energies and hyperstressed matter all in perfect balance.
Then she pulled me into a dense knot of the tangle, shutting out the sky.
There was a dense knot of humanity halfway down the jetty, and from the factory all the idle packers were running down to join it.
Sometimes when they halted, as they frequently did for John to scout the tumbled rocks or dense knots of woodland ahead.
She ran faster than she had ever run, weaving back and forth around the dense knots of shadows as they floated toward the boy.
After a time, he entered a place where the trees seemed to grow upside down, their gnarled roots twisting in dense wooden knots above the water.
He shouldered past dense knots of people who crowded around the center stage to ogle the striptease show.