The National Guard troops had pulled back, forming a line, but not a dense line.
The disk, seen edge-on, is the dense blue line extending from the star to the upper right and lower left of the image.
Sure enough, there was some kind of dense line of matter in his pockets, but there was no way to tell the nature of either.
Self-assembly of dense lines less than 20 nm wide in large pre-pattearned trenches has been demonstrated.
With his love of dense long lines it is not surprising he is drawn to classical poetry and Baudelaire.
They are bricked up by the dense visual lines that form intricate patterns, playful and empowering at the same time.
The two lions have a male mane, patterned with dense, short lines; the manes continue beneath the body.
One ample, back-like rectangle is dense lines while the other is almost a void.
In short, dense, but highly expressive lines, he was able to clearly illustrate a tragedy or a character's qualities.
Far away in one direction she discerned a dense dark line of trees which marked the distant forest.