They crowded round him in a dense ring, as An came flitting to me with a startled face.
The umbilical ring is a dense fibrous ring surrounding the umbilicus at birth.
Pedestrians formed a dense ring around them; a ring that would suddenly bulge outward when one of the fighters came close to its boundary.
The center of the flower is surrounded by a dense ring of up to 250 small yellow or orange stamens bearing the pollen.
Across the narrow strip of mud that served as a street, massed backs formed a dense ring.
The Franco years imposed a dense ring of dreary blue-collar apartment blocks that were choking the city.
They were at all heights, some almost grazing the atmosphere, an entire dense ring at synchronous altitude, others wandering out beyond the Moon.
So, too, the background galaxies behind the ring show coherent changes in their shapes due to the presence of the dense ring.
The torches were nearing, crowding in to make a dense ring through which he saw no way to break.
Kitiara looked into the dense ring of tall trees.