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But how far can you see into the denseness below?
I am amazed at the denseness of people's comments here.
Denseness and a sense of compression are important, too, along with an openness to experimentation.
The air, too, was better than back under the denseness below Resurrection City.
Even then it was common to lose sight of comrades, pushing alone through the denseness.
He opened his eyes wide, astonished at her denseness.
We can see denseness which make them solid to touch, but not spaces between."
Sometimes she suspected his denseness was just an act, useful when he wanted to be uncooperative.
Ectoplasm is invisible, yet it varies in its states of denseness.
It was after five by the time we arrived, and the fog had settled in with all its Maine denseness.
"Because it will destroy you from within," I snapped, angry at her apparent denseness.
He seemed a bit annoyed at my denseness.
The denseness of the materialization depends strongly on the medium's own developed state.
Fascinated by the crowd outside the window, he considers how isolated people think they are, despite "the very denseness of the company around".
There's the same denseness of subtext, and the genuine power of the language.
"Well, then, sir, unless you clue has moved away, I confess to my denseness," he said.
Mist, rising from the water, added its soupy denseness to the gloom.
The hardness and denseness of the graphite gives its tone a special clarity.
That wasn't surprising, given the denseness of the throng.
"There's a fantastic vitality to his writing, an unusual denseness and richness.
They looked up, but the denseness of the forest and the altitude of the craft kept them from seeing it.
Soon, she recalled eagerly, my children and I will burrow into the comforting denseness of a brand-new world.
Taking advantage of the denseness of the trees, he came close to the house and skirted round it.
Twice, in the not-too-distant denseness, he saw sharp beams of flashlights.
Marshall laughed self-consciously, shaking his head over his own denseness.