Low densities may cause an extinction vortex and lead to further reduced fertility.
These densities can cause traffic jams for automobiles, yet are too low to be commercially served by trains or light rail systems.
Subsequent density and pressure fluctuations caused galaxies to form.
In addition, the high sectional density of the projectile causes the bullet to overpenetrate.
The increased density of the seawater beneath the forming ice causes it to sink towards the bottom.
The high density of architect-occupied, contemporary dwellings has caused it to be called "the architect's ghetto."
When struck by an object, the asteroid's low density causes material to be compacted, not ejected.
The density of water also causes problems that increase dramatically with depth.
If the black hole passed through a star, its density would cause observable vibrations.
Argon's relatively high density causes it to remain close to the ground during gassing.