Turkey has an average population density of 97 people per km2.
What we have is a population density of more than 10,000 people per square mile.
The catchment area has an average population density of 4 people per km2.
Its total area is 50.63 km2, giving a population density of 83 people per km2.
Its population density of 37 people per square kilometer is very low.
It has a density of 77 people per square kilometer.
This is a population density of 87 people per square kilometre.
That is a density of nearly 4,000 people per square mile (1,500 km2).
In 2007, the town had an estimated population of 3,943 and a density of 23.55 people per km2.
The 2002 census counted 246,566 inhabitants, for a total population density of 71.1 people per km2.