Though Corona denied culpability, he was not called to the stand to testify in his own defense and no defense witnesses were called.
In a statement on Friday, both companies said they had received no complaints from China about their work, and an executive of one flatly denied culpability.
Brown has already released a statement denying culpability.
Finally, individuals diagnosed with DID who are accused of crimes may deny culpability due to the crime being committed by a different identity state.
Some principals are being sued as individuals; all have denied culpability, filing counterclaims against each other.
After Caine's vehicle is vandalized, the young man smugly denies culpability.
In describing the verdict, Hanlon said "they still deny culpability for what happened to Pratt.
He has denied culpability and said he cannot afford to pay the assessed fines of $47.5 million.
While Trafigura denied responsibility and culpability, it paid €1.3 million in an out-of-court settlement.
This is less threatening to our values and allows fans, coaches and parents to deny culpability.