Inflation has long been an official secret in the Soviet Union, minimized or denied outright.
In the Western Mail news article he is quoted as saying, "I deny outright that my book denies the Holocaust."
It is inconceivable to us that millions of Americans would trivialize or deny outright the social, spiritual, international, economic and environmental disasters this president has wrought.
General William Sherman outright denied any guilt and reported that most of the killed were warriors under Mountain Chief.
Don't deny outright.
However, there is no documentation to confirm this allegation, and some Dutch knot tyers outright deny it.
Veterans usually appeal a decision because their claim was either denied outright or because they believe that the disability rating assigned by the VBA is incorrect.
Is it our "problem," or a "flaw" in others who either fail to notice, or deny outright that the situation exists?
His first instinct was for self-preservation-to deny outright that he was selling anything to the Bajorans-but he couldn't back down from an accusation like that.
The response agrees with some of the allegations made in the lawsuit, claims not to have enough information to respond to others, and outright denies still others.