When searched by police, both denied owning any guns, yet both were found to be in possession of loaded pistols.
Memorial said that the two denied owning any explosives and that the material found under their beds might have been planted by the police agents.
Simpson, a size-12, denied ever owning the Bruno Maglis, and at the criminal trial there was nothing to tie him to them.
When Hardin denied owning the Journal, he was perhaps technically correct, but no more.
Mr. Vicco denied owning any part of the business.
Durov, who denies even owning a car, fled the country and has not been seen in public since.
Mr. Higazy was later charged with perjury when he denied owning the radio, and spent about a month in jail.
He denies owning any "extremist Islamic literature" allegedly seized at the time.
He initially denied owning part of the tickets when asked about it publicly, but he later acknowledged having a share of them.