Consolidate State control throughout Colombia to deny sanctuary to terrorists and perpetrators of violence.
During 1995 and 1996, President Clinton devoted considerable time to seeking cooperation from other nations in denying sanctuary to terrorists.
The operation was aimed at preventing the re-emergence of terrorism and denying sanctuary to anti-coalition fighters in the region.
We're working closely with other governments to deny sanctuary, or training, or a place to hide or a place to raise money.
And whatever their purpose in sealing themselves off from the rest of the world, they surely can't deny us sanctuary now!
But her group was denied sanctuary, returned to the sea and robbed by pirates.
The British agreed to withdraw from the city, and in return the tribesmen would deny sanctuary to the Taliban.
He added that Pakistan was still not doing enough to deny Taliban forces sanctuary in Pakistani border areas.
In a joint statement after talks held in Turkey, the leaders said they agreed to deny sanctuary, training and financing to terrorists.
Conrad denied sanctuary to Sibylla and Guy, who camped outside the city walls for months.