He was not departing directly downward; instead, he had shifted to the side.
In Basel you have a German railway stations with lots of trains departing from there into Germany directly.
"We depart for Sendar directly after breakfast in the morning," Brendig said.
The ship ends up going faster for the same force and duration of thrust than she possibly could by departing directly from the Moon or from a space station.
There were two ways to depart directly from Amber into Shadow. . . One was the Pattern, seldom used for this purpose.
We departed directly behind them, leaving behind a corpse, two wounded men, and a bad memory.
After being allowed to feed, the majority of foragers circled the feeder and, in many cases, departed directly for the hive, which was out of sight.
The submarine departed directly from drydock, on 8 August, for San Diego, California.
As soon as you've assembled a crew, you and they will depart directly for Callisto.
She departed directly, with the lobotomized man in tow.