The department is also collaborating with other national and international research organizations to meet the requirements of the graduate students specially Ph.D students.
"A lot of the comments maligning banners come from anecdotal evidence," said Rex Briggs, research director at Hotwired in San Francisco, whose department collaborated with Millward Brown in designing the study.
"They concur with our recommendations," Mr. Chaney said, emphasizing that the department itself had collaborated for four years with his office on a study that underlies the rezoning plan.
The department has collaborated with other departments and emphasizes Southwestern regionalism, minorities in the Southwest, and historiography.
Many departments of the graduate school collaborate with Rice University and other institutions within the Texas Medical Center.
His special department "for studying destructive cults," which is located in the Serbsky Center, closely collaborates with Alexander Dvorkin.
The department also collaborates with the English Department to produce an Arts Review Magazine filled with art and literature completed by current students.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at TMU collaborate in addressing noncommunicable diseases and mental health issues.
The department collaborates closely with the Centre for Cognitive Science and the Centre for Speech Technology Research.
It would reduce the flexibility President Bush and Mr. Ridge need to experiment - to work out, for example, which agency does what best, and how departments should collaborate on a particular task.