As official policy Police Chief James Sheppard says the department engages in what we he calls "criminal profiling" and "proactive policing."
These investigations found that under Pierce's stewardship the department engaged in political favoritism and trading of influence.
He went away very impressed, nay stunned, by the way in which the department engages with online services (it even allows its diplomats to blog as individuals).
The purpose of the program, according to the commissioner, is to demonstrate that the department does not engage in so-called "racial profiling."
The suit claims the department engaged in a deliberate policy of singling out homeless people for arrest.
Presumably this new department would engage in "scholarly research."
The department for European and International Cooperation engages itself with international politics through the functions of the foundation's more than 200 projects in around 120 countries.
Larger departments may perform criminal investigations or engage in other specialized law enforcement activities.
The department then engaged in cadastral survey, which is the survey of specific land parcels to define ownership for land registration, and for equitable taxation.
The department also engages in the production and sale of detailed maps, which initially were made by the process of zincography.