Before last season, however, the athletic department raised enough money for 3.3 scholarships - $25,000 that Plummer spread among 10 players.
Even after the department raised its standards and requirements, about 20,000 people took a test in May to qualify for the academy, he said.
The department of homeland security has not raised the terrorist alert level, but that is being considered.
The department has raised its minimum age for new recruits from 20 to 22.
The department has since raised $6.2 million, and this year 40 students have chosen Afro-American studies as their concentration.
So far, the department has raised about $85,000 for the library.
Earlier this year, the department raised the minimum age of new recruits from 20 to 22.
In the past the department has raised questions about the law's constitutionality.
The athletic department has already raised close to $15 million from private sources.
The department raised questions about some classroom management techniques and whether the school's curriculum was properly balanced.