He said the department had already begun reassigning officers to street patrol and replacing them with civilians in certain jobs.
The department replaced what had been an uncoordinated, scattershot enforcement effort with focused strategic plans.
The department will replace it with a normal concrete barrier and will also resurface the entire stretch of highway.
The department cannot replace the damaged tanks until a study of the environmental damage is finished, he said, and that will take at least two more months.
When the department replaced a boiler two years ago, she said, it should have also inspected and replaced the aging underground tanks.
Early in 2001, the department replaced its old analog radios with a new generation that used digital technology.
Other funding will help agencies and departments replace and repair property and equipment damaged during the storm.
In 1790 the five departments of Normandy replaced the former province.
Also, the department, using Federal funds, has replaced the entire private bus fleet and the city now owns the companies' buses.
In 1942, after the United States entered World War Two, the department replaced the signs.