Nonetheless, the report said, the department was not resisting change.
The department has denied the accusations and resisted all court challenges by Inslaw.
This common-sense approach, which the department resisted, saved the city tens of millions of dollars.
He said the department oversaw its flawed construction, resisted rent increases and refused to provide necessary operating subsidies.
Consistently, the department - whether through principled disagreement or otherwise - has resisted initiatives intended to bring more black men into the ranks.
The department long resisted this reform, contending it would constrict traffic flow.
He said he would use the Council's power of subpoena if the department resists.
Meanwhile, the department has resisted Congressional investigations.
This largest department considers itself all powerful, and has apparently resisted all attempts to interfere with its investigations.
But the department has resisted this call, even though it has collected the information for more than a decade.