The prop department supplied something they called passion flower for scenes in which he was supposed to roll and smoke a joint.
Instead, the department supplied a list of hundreds of readings, pointing out that these were suggested but neither required nor even recommended.
The department also supplies seawater for flushing toilets.
The department is supplying oral rehydration solutions to the affected communities, she added.
Chief Fahey said the department routinely supplies free photographs to news organizations and has provided the same courtesy to other authors.
Instead, the department is increasingly supplying only the ingredients for reports - sound bites and raw video.
As in previous years, the departments supplied the budget office with service cuts to produce the savings they had been instructed to find.
The department supplies a wide variety of information.
He said the department had supplied the Council with more than 11,000 pages of documents on the city's bridges.
The wedding was held in the Bellevue chapel, and the department of social work supplied the flowers and the cake.