To provide professional financial and estate management services in support of departmental objectives and priorities.
When Mr. Gunn arrived at the Transit Authority in 1984, he said, he found fewer managers and no departmental objectives, at least none in writing.
Staff engagement through the materiality process has been a noticeable strength this year - enabling each department to both contribute to the overall materiality assessment, but also use the process to develop their departmental objectives.
The alignment of material issues, director and departmental objectives has strengthened the systematic approach to measuring, managing and monitoring performance.
Our work supports the departmental objective of securing a fair, efficient and effective criminal justice system.
Relevant departmental objectives for the current financial year will be presented when we publish each section.
The introduction of local cost centres may result in people identifying with departmental objectives rather than the objectives of the organisation as a whole.
The Sustainable Communities Plan was launched in 2003 and is a key policy of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in guiding its regeneration and departmental objectives.
Both departmental and director objectives are aligned to the material issues.
The development of strategic objectives has moved significantly this year, with a far better alignment between the key sustainability areas of focus, directors' objectives and departmental objectives.