The present departmental organisation came into being during the 1960s as part of Frankland's reorganisation of the museum.
More recently, there have been a number of attempts to capture and characterize the patterns that are actually emerging in departmental organizations.
Major Change for Faculty The college has always been regarded as iconoclastic in its loose departmental organization and emphasis on interdisciplinary study.
The organizational constraints of departmental organization (including power) and physical proximity continued to play important roles.
There are also more than 40 professional, departmental and honorary organizations for students.
It was decreed a departmental registered nonprofit organisation on July 6th, 1981.
The Associated Students of New Mexico State University is the student government, it has a departmental organization.
The 113 departmental organisations can be found throughout 96 departments.
The departmental organisations manage, animate and coordinate activities on the ground with 40,000 volunteers in almost 2,500 Restos, which welcome 600,000 beneficiaries a day.
Flexible partitions rather than permanent walls were a part of the original design for many of the offices to allow for changes in departmental organization.