Now how we answer these questions will depend crucially upon what we think animals to be.
As to the others, it really depends rather crucially on the game that one has in mind.
That depends crucially on how seriously we are to take the actors' own accounts of what they do.
For one thing, several forces have converged to create a new truth: national security depends crucially on foreign feelings toward America.
Producers thus become very concerned with the value added in what they produce, which depends crucially on productivity.
Environmentally sustainable development crucially depends on the presence of local support for a project.
This argument depends crucially on I; changing the information may result in a different probability assignment.
Like other speakers in the debate, I believe however that success depends crucially upon preventive work and efforts made before the disease has broken out.
Their usefulness also depends crucially on the way in which they are designed.
Any security system depends crucially on keeping some things secret.